One Generation Shall Praise Your Works to Another
Youth Ministry and Discipleship for Grades 7-12 in Roanoke, VA
Adolescence can be a wild, fun, crucial time of life. At CHS we believe in the power of community, especially in the teenage years, so we seek to provide an environment that facilitates connection to their Creator, loving leaders, and each other. We want to be there with you, in the mountaintop experiences, in the deep valleys, and (most importantly) the day to day growth.

Sunday School
Join us at 10 AM in the Youth Lounge to enjoy a home cooked meal and discuss the gospel and life.

Life Groups
Real conversations happen best in small groups.

Camp Booyah
Have a blast with friends and experience the Gospel.

Just as Jesus called 12 and then sent some out in pairs, we believe that discipleship is intended to take place within a community. We do this in a number of ways.
Sunday School: For Sunday school, come join us on Sunday mornings in the youth center from 10-11. To get there, head down the steps outside the sanctuary, walk through the doors on the left and follow the sounds of ping pong and air hockey and the smell of bacon. You can’t miss it. We will eat, play, and discuss how the Gospel relates to our lives.
Life Groups: Life groups consist of small groups or boys or girls of similar ages. They meet most Sunday nights at 5:00 p.m. at the church. To get connected, please email At life groups, you can expect to play, eat (of course!), and connect on a more personal level with others in the church. Each group is led by a team of two vetted and trained adult volunteers.
Camp Booyah: We also grow in community through our time at Camp Booyah! Booyah offers both a summer camp trip and winter weekend (Booyah Brrrr). Every year, kids say their favorite part of camp is getting to silence the endless notifications and stressors of their lives. For many reasons, camp can be transformative. Kids get away from the normal cares of the world to laugh and listen. In doing so, God breaks down walls to make himself more clear to them.
You may just need a personal connection to someone on our team. We’d love to reach out and make you feel welcome! We’d be honored to help respond to a crisis, or just to get to know you over a cup of coffee. Email
Protecting Our Children
Protecting our Children is one of our highest priorities. If you have seen any child being treated inappropriately by a teen or an adult at Church of the Holy Spirit, please click the button below and follow the link.