Not only a command, but a joy.

Fulfilling the great commission till ALL have heard.

We are a missions focused church and missions focused people because our Lord is preparing a feast in His Kingdom for people of every tongue, tribe and nation. It is His heart that the Good News be shared with every man, woman and child.

Some of the last words Jesus spoke to His disciples before he ascended back to the Father is known as the Great Commission.  It is the assignment and joyous duty of every Christ follower:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” –  Matthew 28:19-20

We know that only 3.5% of all money given to churches in the US goes to missions. That is both embarrassing and a disgrace.  To make it worse only 1% of that measly 3.5% goes to unreached peoples. A pittance.

But not at CHS. We are committed to sharing our resources so that the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and the Good News of forgiveness and Life in Him can be shared with everyone. Why? It’s not because we are super spiritual or nice. It is because we can read. Jesus could not be clearer that in the Kingdom of God, men, women and children from every tongue, tribe and nation will be with Him and feasting. His heart is for the nations…ALL the nations.

We have a written, strategic mission’s philosophy and our budget reflects it. In addition to sending folks out across the globe and planting healthy Anglican churches in the 10-40 window, we normally give about $1,000,000 a year to proclaim, teach, give a hand up in Jesus’ name and to send our members out on mission.

If you want more information on our various mission fields and efforts, please feel free to contact Bishop Quigg Lawrence at

Meet Our 2025 Featured Missionaries:

January 2025

Tiffany Beachy

Madang, Papua New Guinea

Founded in 2019, the Ramu Valley Academy is a private, Christian boarding school in Madang, Papua New Guinea. Our students come from remote jungle villages where missionaries have worked for over 20 years.  The long-term goal of this initiative is to train local Papua New Guinean men and women to be strong in character and mind through quality education and personal discipleship. Then they can return to their local communities in order to reach the unreached in places where many westerners are unable or unwilling to go.  I joined the team at RVA in 2023 and teach 7-12th grade science to our beloved students.  It is a great blessing and privilege to serve the Lord in this way, with these amazing people.