Come explore questions of life and faith.

Exploring some of life’s biggest questions in Roanoke, Virginia. 

Next Alpha Course starts on September 24th at 6:30pm

The Alpha Course is a great starting point to process your doubts and beliefs or to simply explore the Christian faith. Alpha is an 9-week course examining Christianity where no question is out of bounds, and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you like!

Learn About Alpha!

Experience community and explore life’s big questions.


We always have a new Alpha course coming up…sign up today!


Hear an ALPHA experience!

Hear the impact ALPHA has had on Mary Anne. 



Contact Brian Morgan for          more information.               


Are you curious about life, religion, questions of faith? Perhaps skeptical? Or maybe you are just seeking some answers to life’s deeper questions. If those resonate with you at all…

Alpha is for you.

Alpha is a series of gatherings over 9 weeks that explore the Christian faith. In a no-pressure, judgment-free space, people can explore their thoughts together.

Many join for different reasons, with different backgrounds and points of view, but all are seeking to find whether Jesus and Christianity have any relevance for their life. Some folks take Alpha as they take steps to explore faith. Some folks take Alpha as a way to return and understand faith anew. Some folks take Alpha and want to grow and be encouraged in the faith journey they are already on.  Alpha is designed to provide a fun, engaging place for conversation, questions and community about the bigger questions of faith and life.

What Happens at Alpha?

Alpha at Church of the Holy Spirit meets on Tuesday nights from 6:30 – 8 PM. We always offer Alpha in the Fall and in the Spring of each year. Each week at Alpha there is a great catered meal and free child-care. Each week follows the same pattern. We have a fun, informal time of fellowship around a delicious meal, a video talk exploring basic questions like, “Is there more to life than this?  Who is Jesus? How can I be sure of faith? What is prayer? Is the Bible reliable? What about the church? Who is the Holy Spirit? How do I make the most of my life?” Following the video teaching we have honest small group discussions.

You will find yourself not only learning from the video talks but also realize that you are building genuine relationships through engaging in open dialog with your group. We love to say that Alpha is all about relationships. And to us, that’s a really good thing!